Been A Long While....
I've been for a while, but a lot has been going on. Forgive me, loves. Its been a ride.
Been A Long While....
Me...A Guardian: The Alley Cat and Her Kittens
Meet You Again…in Maryland
Late Night Tea & Rants: 2 Stinging Nettle
Why it takes me so long to blend...
Warming Story for Raffle Winner and Blessing from Returning Customer
A Day Sending Reiki to Rose of Sharon
“Arrowhead and New Friends”from the American Legion
An Experience of a Lifetime: Annual Native American Powwow
Migraines for Days...My Remedies to Curb Them
The True Reality of Making Things by Hand
Reiki Session that Induced Sleep
The Essential Oils that Made the Sprays
My First Reiki-Religious Discussion...
Part Two - Journey to New York with my Essential Oil Sprays
Part One - Journey to New York with my Essential Oil Sprays
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